Cellophane (n)
A thin, flexible, transparent cellulose material made from viscose and used as a moisture proof wrapping for such goods as lollies, flowers and turnip chips. Invented by Jacques E. Brandenberger in 1908, the creation has long since been infamous for use in wrapping bad presents, turning them from trashy into flashy.
i like. this is very appropriate for this week as it is my birthday, and presents may be wrapped in celeophane.
mmmm... shiny shiny, shiny pieces of cellophane... the Velvet Underground {Shiny boots of leather} you should tell Lou Reed that Cellophane was a much better line, so much more flashy!
peace love and all the rest...cheers darls...NM
celeophane celeophane where for art thou.. we dont hav any in my home :( i think we use wrapping paper.. i remember wrapping mothers day presents in celeophane, i dont know why tho.. but that is my memory of celeophane :P good stuf
love ya samlam
(not anonymous.. im jacqui :P )
I am commenting separately, cos I am more than a bit worried about Naomi's last statement. Yes, so it did take us more than a while to get the net working... Blame someone else! That was not me!! I didn't go near Steve's computer before they got the net working...
Cellophane is good... The crinkly sound when you scrunch it, and how the colour runs when you try and glue it with clag glue, or accidently on-purpose get it wet... Apparently (according to Leigh) it also sticks to your forehead if you lick it (I personally do not like the taste of cellophane)...
Granny Be said to ask if you are coming to my 18th (you will get an invitation) and whether my present will be wrapped in cellophane.
Did you ever create paper glasses with cellophane lenses in Sunday School?? Or maybe that was in primary school... Or those aquarium in a box things with blue cellophane to (in theory) look like water?? Or pretend fireplaces with red, orange and yellow crunched cellophane to look like flames?? Or those "stained glass windows" with cellophane?? I think primary schools use too much cellophane...
I am trying to think of how to work cellophane into conversation... I haven't got a whole lot of time left this week, do I??
Leigh tried his best... This is what he came up with: "I found a freak hair the other day while chewing on my cellophane" and "I bought the wrong bananas and the wrong cellophane"
And Trina? Her one attempt was just bad... "cellophane flows into the ocean when the cellophane volcano erupts...."
I give up...
I did it!!
Catch says:
it was on my forehead, just to clear that up.
Kylz [http://kylierobbo.blogspot.com] says:
along with the cellophane that you licked?
gday mate!
its your freind alistair! im so glad your word of the week has taken off so well! ur a legend!
celeophane is also very uselfull for really cheap lighting for really cheap parties!
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