Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Sam's Word of the Week - Monday 23rd May, 2005

Chalk (n)

A piece of soft, porous, coloured material. This item is mostly used to write on such items as blackboards. Chalk is grown on chalk trees by farmers all over the world, and alongside water, is quickly becoming one of the world’s most precious resources. Teachers are the biggest users of chalk, but a recent trend shows that they are shifting towards using the enemy – the whiteboard marker. With the recent release of the new Star Wars film, the new craze sweeping schoolyards nationwide are chalk sabres. Sadly, this is resulting in the new condition known to hospitals as “chalky eye”. Chalk is easily snapped; which causes the fingernails to scrape the blackboard, producing that awful screeching sound that everybody loves. Germany is world-famous for its annual chalk-eating contest, in which Hans Bleicher gained a world record for consuming 363 sticks of chalk in an hour. He died sixteen minutes later. Recent university studies have discovered that chalk and turnip chips taste extremely similar, so much so that identifying between the two tastes blindfolded is near impossible.


Kylie said...

Brilliant!! Brilliant I say Sam!!

(I mean, no... I'm not looking for the WOTW while I am meant to be processing invoices...)

Chalk... What can I say??

I think I want to also find a nice big patch of concrete and get some chalk and do big drawings... Before I am no longer considered a child in the eyes of the Australian government. Just like I want to go swinging on some swings...

Chalk is best used when there is no flour for flour bomb war. Chalk leaves a longer lasting impression (not as long as Killer Pythons mind you) and it gets all in your hair, sending one prematurely grey. (Not that there is anything really wrong with going prematurely grey...)

One thing I remember about Primary School (perhaps I should remember a bit more than this..) was drawing on the blackboards which were green with chalk on rainy days during lunchtimes... The teachers hated rainy lunchtimes... Probably because they didn't get any RFF time and that chalk ended up everywhere (we couldn't contain the chalk to the blackboard)...

"Teachers can change lives with just the right mix of chalk and challenges." - Joyce A. Myers

There. I really should get back to processing invoices right about now.

Anonymous said...

A chalky poem... haha
Chalk is big and white chalk is flakey and white
I love chalk
I love to use chalk to inflict lots of pain I love to spread chalk on my face and let it seep into my brains I love chalk
chalk is for everyone the rich and the small chalk can be used by the short and the tall
I love chalk
chalk can fit into my pocket or sleeve I stick it up my nose when I think I will sneeze
I love chalk
I give chalk to my friends on holidays for fun chalks is a great projectile when fired out of a gun
I love chalk
I stick chalk in my ears to keep the volume low chalk makes a tempting dessert when mixed in with snow
I love chalk
I always use chalk at an inhuman pace sometimes in desperation I staple it to my face
I love chalk
love jacqui

RevrendZ said...

I think I'd rather eat chalk than turnip chips.