Chew (v)
An action made by the teeth during food consumption, to make the food easier to swallow. The hippopotamus is the only animal in the world that cannot chew. Instead, they employ the birds that annoyingly sit on their backs to chew, swallow and regurgitate wolves, which they then feed to the hippopotamuses. Sadly, the feeder birds quite often become consumed in the process. American rappers have become synonymous with chewing, mostly because of the fact that they misinterpret the words “with you” as “wi chew”. Snooooooooooop, go back to primary school. The largest ever piece of chewing gum manufactured was taken on by eleven year-old Harry Benson in 1976. After taking three hours to place it in his mouth, he found it impossible to chew and ended up breaking his jaw, choking and dying from the experience. Latest research has shown that it is impossible to chew turnip chips. To consume such a food, one must tilt the head back, block the nose and swallow the chip whole. Health warnings do strongly advise that eating turnip chips whole can increase the risk of exploding lungs.
Heya Sam!!
How were the CHEWy brownies?? And how come they didn't all get eaten??
cool word sam!
I agree about the whole rapping 'wi chew' thing, its really annoying hey. And they all seem to do it :S very frustrating.
hav an awesome week,
luv jaq
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