Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Jus (n)

An ooh-la-la word to describe sauce served with meat. While the word looks as though it should be pronounced Jus as in Just, it is actually Jus as in blue, flu, crew or peek-a-boo. Sam would have also written poo but that would have been far too immature. Barbeque sauce, while served with meat, should never be referred to as barbeque jus. Should one describe the sauce as such during a barbeque in order to impress mates, this would create such a socially awkward situation that guests would slowly collect their children and/or loved ones before jumping over the fence or into the pool screaming. While you’d no longer have friends, at least you’d have plenty of barbeque jus for yourself. The popularity of Masterchef has given jus a new lease of life. Many different types of jus are created on the show including red wine jus, orange jus, and barkchip jus. The show has proven that you can use basically any ingredient in a jus, so long as you add a French word into the description and make it smear it across the plate in the most unattractive way possible. Last week jus became a trending topic on Twitter when a gaggle of teenagers got lazy when writing out ‘Justin Bieber’ and instead wrote Jus. Such tweets involving jus included: “Baby Baby Baby #jus”, “I can’t believe he didn’t accept the invite to my barbeque #jus” and when a Bieber spotting was proven false in Denver, USA a fan tweeted “I #jus can’t believe it’s not #jus” Matt Preston was reportedly rather excited about this newfound jus popularity, but heartbroken when he realised it was actually about Justin Bieber, and Justin Bieber wasn’t edible. Studies have proven that if a jus was created from turnip chips, it would be classified radioactive waste and would need to be sent into outer space for safety reasons. Or sent to Emo Santa’s icy lair in Antarctica. He’s mad for radioactive jus.

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