Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Three (n, adj.)

A number, higher than one and two but less than thirty-seven. It is also the amount of years that this article was in recess until returning to loyal readers. The packet of chips, fun-size Mars Bar packed by Mum and the loo visit were all enjoyable. Rumours spun into overdrive that Sam’s “comeback” was untrue following the Ian Thorpe comeback rumours being proven false yesterday. Sam is pleased to report that he has been approached for Undercover Angels season two and will juggle this together with Word of the Week commitments. Three is also the amount of cents Sam used to be paid per word to write this drivel on a weekly basis. There is no such reward for writing on the Internet other than the occasional self-imposed pat on the back and pop-up ringtone advertisement. In an effort to gain some popularity similar to “Internet sensation” Justin Bieber, Sam pitched the Word of the Week idea to YouTube as a weekly feature. He was told that such an idea is ridiculous and to come back when a feature film screenplay was written and ready. Russell Crowe is now in early talks to play Sam and Susan Sarandon to play turnip chips. Rumour has it that in preparation for the role Sarandon is constantly consuming turnip chips and washing them down hourly with a cup of salt. Sam claims no responsibility for any shrivelling such strenuous training may cause.

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